Calling All Prayer Warriors
We are recruiting Prayer Warriors to help provide prayer support for parish events and for individual intentions.
For parish events
- like the upcoming Spiritual Gifts Seminar and the Alpha Retreat
- commit one hour of prayer at a scheduled time during the event
- pray at home, at the cottage, in the car, … or in the church/chapel
- prayer schedule to be organized through email and/or phone calls
For individual intentions
- for fellow parishioners, loved ones, etc.
- requests come in through the parish website, parish office, etc.
- lists of intentions are emailed to the prayer intentions team once a week
- pray as you can throughout the week for those intentions
- going forward, if we can establish a “phone tree”, we can include prayer warriors who don’t have email.
If you can help on either or both of these prayer warrior teams, please contact Debbie Smith at prayer@stmauriceparish.com or at (613) 601-4988.