St. Simon Ministry
This ministry helps with time and talent from fellow parishioners who are willing to lend a hand on request when needed. If you need a drive, a meal, financial support, a friendly visit or phone call, or anything else, please contact the parish office and we will try to link you up to one of our volunteers.
St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) has been helping people worldwide in their basic needs for generations (especially food, shelter and clothing). If you feel you have a need for such help in your current circumstances, please call the parish office and ask for St. Vincent de Paul.
Coffee Social
This social time after the 9 AM Sunday Mass is a time for families and everyone to socialize and spend time together, meet new people, share some treats and enjoy each other's company.
Golden Agers
The Golden Agers is a friendly welcoming group of people 55+ from the parish and neighborhood that gathers in the atrium every Monday from 1 to 3 pm to enjoy caring fellowship, card games (including bridge and euchre), other games (such as Scrabble), conversation and nutritious snacks. Come alone or with a friend and make lasting friendships.
Café Maurice
Cafe Maurice is a coffee social which takes place in the atrium after the 9am Mass on Friday mornings. Everyone is welcome to attend and meet new friends. Coffee, tea and sweets are served.
Movies With Meaning
Movies with Meaning is a once a month evening event to which all adults are welcome. We share a film, food and discussion in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy each other’s company. Watch the church calendar and signs in the church for the next evening.