Our Mission
To encounter Jesus and know Him personally, to grow together as His disciples, and to go and share the gospel with others.
Know. Grow. Go.
Our Vision
St. Maurice is a vibrant, welcoming Catholic parish. We encounter Jesus here, making Him the centre of our lives and growing together as His followers. Using our God-given gifts and abilities, we all have a role to play in serving Jesus, His Church, and others. As missionary disciples, we cooperate with God in building His kingdom, led by the Holy Spirit and wholly dependent on His power and wisdom. We are striving to be saints, excited to be part of God’s plan!
Our Core Values
These are the values already in place at St. Maurice, ones that characterize us now.
Faithful Preaching and Teaching
We strive to offer rich and meaningful homilies and teaching for all ages that instruct us in the faith, draw us closer to the Lord, support the transforming work He is doing in our lives, and challenge us to continually say “Yes” to Him, as our Blessed Mother Mary did. We honour and abide by Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, as interpreted by the Magisterium, embodied in the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds, and summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Dynamic Sacramental Life
We cherish the sacraments as outward signs of God’s presence and grace in our lives. They initiate us into the Church, foster our communion with God, address our human weaknesses, order family life, and provide leadership for the Church. We provide the sacraments in ways that are holy and respectful, so that the life of grace in Christ is continually renewed in each of us and we are drawn more fully into His holiness and mission for the Church.
Joyful Worship
We worship God with our whole heart in Spirit and in truth. As a Catholic community we cherish the Mass as our primary way of gathering for worship. We believe that worship should be part of all aspects of our lives as God makes His presence known and we respond to His creation, the people around us, and the situations He places us in.
Our Aspirational Values
These are values that we aspire to and are taking steps to grow into. We want to be like this, but we’re not wholly there yet.
Openness to the Holy Spirit
We give the Holy Spirit permission to move and work in our individual lives and in our parish. We open our minds and hearts fully to His work, desire the fruit He produces in our lives, and look for opportunities to put the charisms He gives us into practice.
Warm and Engaging Community Life
We are a community drawn together from many backgrounds and united in our Catholic faith. We worship together, serve alongside each other, and enjoy each other’s company. We appreciate the diversity in our parish, value every single person, and desire to make everyone feel welcome, accepted, and loved. We invite and encourage everyone to become involved, using their God-given gifts and abilities to strengthen our community.
Servant Leadership
We honour and support capable, Spirit-infused leadership in our parish, patterned after Jesus, who came to serve. We recognize that the Holy Spirit gives charisms of leadership, administration, and related gifts to certain people, and that these abilities can also be developed through training and practical experience. We support our clergy in honing their leadership and management skills and look for parishioners who have leadership and management skills and charisms to serve the parish. We are committed to building a strong leadership team and to supporting ministry leaders as they too grow in their leadership skills.
Intentional Discipleship
We invite every parishioner to become an intentional disciple, committed to following Jesus, listening for His voice, obeying His commands, and growing in holiness and mission. Intentional disciples want to grow in their personal prayer life, their hunger for and understanding of the Word, their practice of the spiritual disciplines, their service to Christ and His Church, and their desire to share the gospel with others. We believe that intentional discipleship happens best in community, where people can teach, mentor, and encourage each other in our growth toward maturity in Jesus Christ.
Strengths-Based Ministry
We see willing and cheerful service to Christ and His Church as the norm for every believer. We know that people are more motivated, energized, and fulfilled when they participate in areas and ways that align best with their God-given strengths, abilities, skills, and charisms. We are committed to helping our parishioners identify their best fit for ministry, supporting them as they serve, and creating ministry teams that bring the right people with the right strengths together.
Purposeful Evangelization
We believe that the Church exists to evangelize. We live out the joy of the gospel in our lives and proclaim the good news to practicing Catholics, to baptized Catholics who are no longer practicing the faith, and to those who do not yet know Jesus. We regularly offer opportunities for people to place Jesus at the centre of their lives. The mission to evangelize is not entrusted to a select few, but to every member of our parish through their baptism. We all have a role to play.
Compassionate Outreach
We are devoted to serving others, not just in our own parish but also beyond church doors, among our neighbours in the community and in the wider world. We join in Jesus’ love for the poor and the marginalized and help carry burdens that are too heavy to be handled alone. We pray that compassionate outreach will open the door to introducing people to Jesus, the giver of real peace. We are a sign of hope, mercy, and justice in a world of indifference.
Clear Communication
From homilies to meetings, from our website and social media presence to our personal interactions, we aim to communicate clearly. We value a lighthearted, joyful approach. We establish clear lines of communication between people who need to be connected. We keep parishioners informed through regular parish updates and create ways to invite and respond to their constructive feedback.