Ministries Discipleship


We grow our faith through study and fellowship with others.

On the Sacraments and Resources pages there are a number of studies, groups and activities that are run by parishioners, as leaders and helpers, and many are looking for volunteers to contribute their time and talents to make these happen.  These are ways you can contribute to the spiritual growth of others while putting your own faith into action - and you will grow too!

Questions or suggestions can be made to the contacts indicated or in general to


Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith, in a friendly, open and informal environment.  It is a series of sessions designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. The Alpha program at St. Maurice relies on volunteers to plan and run the program, set-up and clean-up on-site events, and to accompany those attending.  Training is provided. 

Contact Avery at


St. Maurice Young Adult Group

St Maurice's Young Adults Ministry serves 18 to 25 year olds who are looking to deepen their relationship with Christ and explore how the teachings of the church apply to their lives.  Are you interested in mentoring young adults as they grow into a mature relationship with Christ?  Ministry leaders collaborate to develop a coherent curriculum, give talks, lead discussion and pray, based on their individual gifts and interests.

Contact Avery Burrowes 

To volunteer

Young Adults

St Maurice Library

Our parish library offers an extensive collection of books and DVDs for adults, teens and children. These resources are available in topics such as spiritual growth, lives of saints, bereavement and Christian family entertainment.  St. Maurice Library is looking for volunteers to help with this worthwhile ministry. If you have 30 minutes you can donate, once a month, after  Mass – see us after Mass or email No special library experience required – just your enthusiasm.

In the fall, the St Maurice library will be opening up again for in-person browsing after Mass.


That Man is You For men

That Man is You addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers.  Men enjoying the TMIY program may help run the program in a variety of roles.  Training is provided by the TMIY training manual.  

Contact Kevin Gibbs at

That man is you

Spiritual Gifts

Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are the special abilities we have each been given by the Holy Spirit to build up God’s Kingdom. Discovering your spiritual gifts will help you to serve God in the way that is most fulfilling and effective for you. The new Spiritual Gifts ministry is prayerfully discerning how we can best help parishioners at St. Maurice to discover their spiritual gifts and find the unique role they were created to fill in God’s plan for the Church and the world. 

Contact Ellen Hines

Spiritual Gifts

Women's MinistryFor women

The St. Maurice Women’s Ministry is a community of Catholic women of all ages and stages committed to growing in faith together. We are looking for volunteers in a variety of roles who are interested in helping us create a safe and welcoming environment for all women in the community striving to grow in prayer and relationship with the Lord and live a Eucharistic life. If you are interested in contributing to our team in any capacity or would simply like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out!  


Woman's Ministry

Adult Faith Studies

Join us in bearing witness to the Truth. Grow in the Catholic Faith with confidence and joy by better understanding the Scriptures and Church Traditions. Our goal is to educate ourselves so we may radiate the beauty of the Gospel, help others discover Christ’s love and move out into the world without fear.  If you are interested in helping with Adult Faith Studies, contact Avery at

adult faith studies

Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental preparation is an important part of our growth in faith. See the main menu Sacraments if you wish to prepare to receive a sacrament. If you wish to help with sacramental preparation, contact the office or Deacon Kevin.

Baptism - Families preparing for the baptism of an infant work through a video series on FORMED.  We are looking for couples who can visit with them to answer questions and provide encouragement.  

Marriage - FOCCUS is an on line instrument designed to help a couple identify differences and work through difficulties before marriage.  Facilitators meet with the couples, provide them the links to the on-line survey and meet afterwards to discuss the results. See Facilitators required. Training is provided. This is a great opportunity to mentor young couples and share your faith.

First Reconciliation/Communion - Come join us as a teacher or classroom assistant for our grade 2 sacramental preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Communion.  Orientation, materials, and lessons/activities are all provided. Commitment would be once a month for approximately 2 hours, plus prep time. We also need volunteers for moving tables and heavy boxes of supplies for class/event setup. For more information please contact Ellen at and visit our information page.
